Acne, including blackheads and whiteheads, can appear on areas like the face, arms, back, and chest. This is primarily caused by excess sebum production, the presence of bacteria, and the accumulation of dead skin cells, along with other factors such as hormonal changes, diet, stress, or the use of unsuitable cosmetics.
Treatments to eliminate acne include facials and acne extraction, chemical/physical peels, injections, IPL, Fotona laser, oral medication, and specialized skincare.
Bopeng dan bekas jerawat lain seperti ice pick scar, hypertrophic scar, PIE dan PIH dapat muncul pada proses penyembuhan luka jerawat yang tidak ditangani dengan benar. Di samping itu factor kedalaman jerawat dan kondisi kulit tiap orang dapat pula memicu terbentuknya bopeng/ bekas jerawat.
Perawatan untuk menghilangkan bopeng dan bekas jerawat lainnya dapat berupa microneedle treatment, chemical peeling, injeksi skin booster dan laser Pico/Fotona. Bekas yang berupa hyperpigmentasi dapat diatasi juga dengan skincare yang mengandung bahan exfoliating (AHA, BHA), mencerahkan (Vitamin C, Gluthatione dan Niaciamide), pelindung skin-barrier (Ceramide) dan anti-aging (Retinol, Peptides, HA dan Centella Asiatica).
Pores can enlarge due to excess sebum production, clogging by dirt or dead skin cells, reduced skin elasticity around the pores, and/or enlargement of hair follicle tissues.
Perawatan untuk meminimalkan ukuran pori- pori dapat berupa peeling, laser Fotona, injeksi skin booster dan microneede treatment. Di samping itu lakukan homecare yang tepat untuk mencegah pembesaran pori- pori seperti dengan menggunakan kosmetik/ skincare water-based, rajin cuci muka dan rutin exfoliating untuk mencegah pori tersumbat, mengoleskan clay mask untuk menyerap sisa sebum, mengoleskan pelembab supaya area pori tidak kering dan kendur, dan rajin menggunakan retinol dan tabir surya.
Hyperpigmentation is a condition where certain areas of the skin become darker due to excess melanin production. Its main causes include UV exposure and acne scars, but it can also be triggered by certain health conditions and medications. It can appear in the form of melasma, age spots, and/or PIH (Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation).
Perawatan untuk menghilangkan hiperpigmentasi dapat dengan physical/ chemical peeling, laser PICO, IPL dan injeksi pencerahan (Glow Injection, skin booster). Penggunaan skincare berbahan cysteamine, chromabright dan retinoid yang tepat juga merupakan alternatif yang efektif dan aman di rumah.
Wrinkles are a sign of aging caused by decreased skin elasticity due to reduced collagen production. Additionally, UV exposure can cause dry skin and damage the skin's elastin fibers, leading to wrinkles. Other factors, such as habitual facial expressions, lack of sleep, smoking, an unhealthy diet, and genetics, can accelerate the formation of early wrinkles.
To address wrinkles and fine lines on the face, treatments include peeling, Botox injections, skin boosters, fillers, and laser treatments. The use of skincare products can also help prevent and treat wrinkles and fine lines.
Sagging skin occurs with age due to the loss of skin elasticity and collagen, or other factors such as improper dieting. The condition can worsen with an unhealthy lifestyle and excessive exposure to free radicals.
Perawatan untuk mengatasi kulit kendur dapat dengan microneedle RF, injeksi meso/ mesotherapy, EM-lift, filler, benang, skin booster dan HIFU, juga dapat ditunjang dengan penggunaan serum dan pelembab dengan kemampuan anti-aging untuk perawatan rutin di rumah.
Sensitive skin can be characterized by redness, itching, dryness with flaking, stinging, rashes, and a tight, uncomfortable feeling. It is also prone to acne and sunburn.
Causes of sensitive skin can include genetic conditions or certain diseases, prolonged exposure to UV rays without sunscreen, pollution, and the use of inappropriate skincare or cosmetics, such as those containing AHA (glycolic acid), alcohol, fragrance, and sulfates.
Perawatan untuk mengatasi kulit sensitive dapat dengan masker herbal, injeksi skin booster (Profhilo, Nucleofill) dan laser medis. Juga rutin menggunakan tabir surya dan skincare yang tepat seperti yang mengandung ceramide, hyaluronic acid, niaciamide, aloe vera dan lainnya namun harus sesuai anjuran ahli karena kondisi kulit sensitive tiap individu dapan berbeda.
Warts are a condition caused by the thickening of the skin's mucosa due to an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can appear on the face and other areas of the body. Although they may disappear on their own if the immune system is strong, many people need specific treatments to remove them. Additionally, improper handling can lead to warts spreading to other areas, and the scars may affect one's appearance.
Treatment for warts include cauterization or CO2 laser by a specialist, and using skincare for aftercare following treatment at the clinic.
The Importance of Caring for the Skin Around the Eyes, Lips, and Neck
The skin around the eyes is one of the thinnest and most sensitive areas because it lacks the amount of oil glands and collagen present in other areas. Therefore, many signs of aging begin around the eyes, such as dry skin, wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, and eye bags. Care for the eye area requires special attention, using ingredients and processes that do not irritate but can penetrate the skin around the eyes, which is different from other facial areas.
Types of treatments for the eye area include HIFU, RF, mesotherapy injections, Botox, Fotona eye bag laser, skin booster injections, eye masks, and suitable skincare.
Lips are often neglected in aesthetic care, even though this area also undergoes aging processes such as collagen loss, leading to volume reduction and wrinkle formation. Additionally, an unhealthy lifestyle, such as insufficient water intake, high sugar consumption, and smoking, can expose the lips to free radicals, causing dryness, roughness, and darkening.
Treatments for the lip area include mesotherapy injections, fillers, Fotona laser, and special masks.
The skin on the neck is also often forgotten, even though it is thinner than facial skin, so a slight decrease in collagen can cause more extreme aging symptoms, such as wrinkles and sagging, compared to the face. Common issues found on the neck include the appearance of a double chin, horizontal lines, thin skin, and sagging.
Perawatan area leher dapat dilakukan dengan laser Fotona, RF, HIFU, injeksi skin booster, masker dan skincare yang sesuai.